Winning a Gold Mouse Is Like Moving a Grand Piano

You might be able to do it alone, but it's easier with some help! In fact, it's close to impossible for a single staffer to create an award-winning website by himself. If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes an entire office to maintain an excellent website.

Award winners consistently tell us that everyone in the office is involved in some way. Every office handles things a little differently and you should certainly find a system that works best for you. To get you started, however, here's an example of how the different staff could contribute:

  • The press office can ensure the latest media (press releases, video, etc.) get posted to the website
  • Interns can scan the site for broken links, typos, and outdated references
  • Legislative assistants can regularly review the issue pages
  • District/state staff can review the constituent services section
  • Senior management can review and approve all major changes
Even if every staff member isn't working on the website every day, making it a regular part of your office's thinking will assure that it doesn't get lost among the competing priorities and issues that congressional offices face day in and day out. One of our award winning offices includes the website as a regular discussion item in their weekly staff meeting and includes it a major part of their overall communications and outreach planning process.

Hear more about how 'What Makes an Award Winning Website' directly from the award winners themselves:

Creating an exemplary website can seem like a daunting task, and if it's the job of only one person, it is! But when the whole office is involved and all staff are on board and contributing, it's a whole lot easier.