WATCH: Successfully Managing Remote Interns

Program Overview

This webinar, held on August 6, discussed how to redesign your internship program for remote/virtual interns, and congressional staff offered their tips/best practices for successfully making this transition. Representatives from the Committees on House Administration and Ethics also were on hand to answer questions.

About the Presenters

This webinar was moderated by C2C Founder and CEO, Audrey Henson. In the wake of COVID-19, Audrey has successfully launched C2C-U, a free professional development platform that trains students from all over the nation. The award-winning platform matches students with a DC-based professional mentor and provides career opportunities directly to C2C-U students.
It featured MSA Founder and President, Ananda Bhatia, Author of the Capitol Hill “Working From Home Guide” for SAs/LCs (who is also managing 10 remote interns this summer) and CMF's Bradley Joseph Sinkaus, who offered best practices for managing interns remotely.

About the Modernization Staff Association

The Modernization Staff Association (MSA) is a bipartisan group that focuses on internal reform issues that primarily affect junior Hill staffers. Our mission is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Congressional staff by modernizing systems that affect their day-to-day operations. For more information or to join, please contact Ananda Bhatia at 703-728-4293 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Follow the MSA on Instagram (@msacaphill), Twitter (@MSA_CapHill), and Facebook (“Modernization Staff Association” (public group)).

About College to Congress

College to Congress is a non-partisan nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a more inclusive and effective Congress by empowering the next generation of public servants. College to Congress is now offering C2C-U, a self-paced, online curriculum, mentorship program, and intern placement hub designed to help college students and recent graduates secure and succeed in paid internships on Capitol Hill. Between now and July 31st, college students and recent graduates can enroll for FREE in C2C-U’s online courses, Interning on Capitol Hill 101 and COVID-19 Resources for College Students!

About the Congressional Management Foundation

CMF is a nonpartisan nonprofit whose mission is to build trust and effectiveness in Congress. Since 1977, CMF has worked internally with Member, committee, leadership, and institutional offices in the House and Senate to identify and disseminate best practices for management, workplace environment, communications, and constituent services. For additional resources and guidance on remote work, crisis management, and more, visit our Coronavirus Resource Center.