Upcoming Webinar: Successful Management and Wellbeing of Remote Interns on Oct. 8

Join College to Congress (C2C), POPVOX, TourTrackr, and the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF), in conjunction with the Modernization Staff Association (MSA), for the following webinar:

Successful Management and Wellbeing of Remote Interns
Thursday, October 8
4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific

Are you an Intern Coordinator? (If not, please forward to yours!) Join us to hear concrete soft skills and hard skills to become a better Manager, Intern Coordinator, and Hill staffer. Building trust and a strong staff can be difficult to do remotely. You can hear from the experts, share their presentation, and ask questions in the Q&A during this live webinar.

This webinar is open to all House and Senate staff. It will be moderated by C2C Founder and CEO Audrey Henson and will feature guest speakers from POPVOX, TourTrackr, and CMF.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0t2yG27pR02oD1m7j1bK7w

About the Modernization Staff Association

The Modernization Staff Association (MSA) is a bipartisan group that focuses on internal reform issues that primarily affect junior Hill staffers. Our mission is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Congressional staff by modernizing systems that affect their day-to-day operations. For more information or to join, please contact Ananda Bhatia at 703-728-4293 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Follow the MSA on Instagram (@msacaphill), Twitter (@MSA_CapHill), and Facebook (“Modernization Staff Association” (public group)).

About College to Congress

College to Congress is a non-partisan nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a more inclusive and effective Congress by empowering the next generation of public servants. College to Congress is now offering C2C-U, a self-paced, online curriculum, mentorship program, and intern placement hub designed to help college students and recent graduates secure and succeed in paid internships on Capitol Hill. College students and recent graduates can enroll for FREE in C2C-U’s online courses, Interning on Capitol Hill 101 and COVID-19 Resources for College Students!

About the Congressional Management Foundation

CMF is a nonpartisan nonprofit whose mission is to build trust and effectiveness in Congress. Since 1977, CMF has worked internally with Member, committee, leadership, and institutional offices in the House and Senate to identify and disseminate best practices for management, workplace environment, communications, and constituent services. For additional resources and guidance on remote work, crisis management, and more, visit our Coronavirus Resource Center.


Since 2010, POPVOX has provided a nonpartisan platform for legislative information, advocacy, and governing tools at the state and federal level. POPVOX offers tools for civic engagement and governing – including bills, lists of public officials, and tools to help constituents write to their lawmakers. POPVOX also offers API-based messages delivery and data services.

About TourTrackr

TourTrackr revolutionizes the way staffers schedule tours on Capitol Hill. It makes the tour management process easy. It is a web-based application that digitizes the tour request management system. With TourTrackr, you can easily track each request and send automated itineraries. No more headaches from manually managing tours. Say goodbye to Excel spreadsheets or copy/paste itinerary emails! Fun fact: TourTrackr's founder, Melissa Dargan, was a former staffer - so she understands how tour booking can be a pain point. Check out TourTrackr today! For updates on DC Tours, follow TourTrackr on Instagram @TourTrackr and Twitter (@TourTrackrDC).