Lifetime Achievement Winners - Members (2023)

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)
Kaptur Main

Representative Marcy Kaptur's unwavering dedication to democracy and public service is nothing short of remarkable. As a true advocate for the people, her tireless efforts and outstanding contributions make her a deserving recipient of the Congressional Management Foundation Democracy Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Throughout her distinguished career, Rep. Kaptur has consistently demonstrated a profound commitment to the principles upon which our nation was founded. Her deep rooted belief in the power of government to uplift communities and empower individuals has been the driving force behind her legislative endeavors. With each bill she championed and every debate she engaged in, Rep. Kaptur has shown an unparalleled ability to bridge divides, foster bipartisan cooperation, and advance policies that prioritize the well being of all Americans.

Beyond her legislative accomplishments, Rep. Kaptur's genuine compassion and authenticity have resonated with constituents and colleagues alike. Her open door policy, willingness to listen, and tireless advocacy for the concerns of her constituents have made her a true champion of participatory democracy. Her commitment to transparency and accountability in government has set an exemplary standard for others to follow.

In an era marked by polarized politics, Rep. Kaptur's leadership stands as a beacon of hope and unity. Her relentless pursuit of equitable solutions, whether in addressing economic disparities, advocating for affordable healthcare, or championing environmental conservation, underscores her enduring commitment to justice and equality for all.

As we honor Representative Marcy Kaptur with the Congressional Management Foundation Democracy Award for Lifetime Achievement, we celebrate not only her exceptional accomplishments but also her enduring legacy. Her profound impact on our nation's democratic processes and her unwavering dedication to the betterment of our society serve as an inspiration for current and future leaders. In recognition of her indelible mark on American democracy, we salute Rep. Kaptur for her remarkable lifetime of service and achievement.


Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
Senator Capito Official Photo

Senator Shelley Moore Capito's distinguished career and steadfast commitment to democratic values make her a deserving recipient of the Congressional Management Foundation Democracy Award for Lifetime Achievement. Throughout her tenure, Sen. Capito has exemplified the highest standards of public service, embodying the essence of leadership, collaboration, and unwavering dedication.

With an impressive track record of legislative achievements, Sen. Capito has consistently demonstrated a remarkable ability to bridge political divides and cultivate bipartisan consensus. Her tireless advocacy for the people of her state and the nation at large has resulted in impactful policies that address critical issues, from infrastructure and healthcare to education and economic development.

Sen. Capito's leadership extends beyond the legislative arena. Her accessibility, transparency, and willingness to engage with constituents have set a gold standard for participatory democracy. Whether in town hall meetings, community forums, or thoughtful dialogues with colleagues, she has remained attuned to the concerns of those she serves, ensuring their voices are heard and valued.

Throughout her career, Sen. Capito has displayed an exceptional aptitude for fostering collaboration, uniting stakeholders, and crafting solutions that benefit all Americans. Her advocacy for responsible governance and her dedication to finding common ground have left an indelible mark on our democratic processes.

As we honor Senator Shelley Moore Capito with the Congressional Management Foundation Democracy Award for Lifetime Achievement, we recognize not only her legislative accomplishments but also her enduring legacy of integrity, empathy, and principled leadership. Her remarkable contributions to our nation's democratic ideals serve as an inspiration for current and future leaders alike, reminding us of the profound impact that one dedicated individual can have on the betterment of society.

In celebrating Sen. Capito's achievements, we applaud her unwavering commitment to the principles that underpin our democracy. Her legacy will continue to inspire generations to come, as we strive to uphold the values she so passionately championed throughout her distinguished career.